This week's tip is Part 2 in understanding how your schedules, routes/locations and items are interconnected. In Part 1, we learned how the system uses calendars to calculate share price. The next step is to understand how the system understands where, when, and how often your shares are delivered.
Location exceptions allow you to vary the price and/or schedule of a specific share, option, or item according to a specific location. They also allow you to hide a share, option, or item from a specific location. Recently, we released a new interface to make managing location exceptions simpler. Where can I view location exceptions? Market --> Items --> Click on item to view the item card --> Location Exceptions tab Location exceptions are a feature that must be enabled by the Farmigo team. If you would like to use this feature in your system, please email [email protected] and ask us to enable location exceptions. Are my current settings affected by the new interface design? No - If you already have location exceptions set up for your system they will not be affected by the new design. All of your location exceptions that were set up previously are still functioning, they will just look a little bit different. The old design: How is the new design different? Location Exceptions for Shares or Options 1. Locations Previously, you had to enter each location you wanted to make an exception for. Now, every location in your system automatically appears in the location exceptions. 2. Price By default, the price for every location will be set to the price listed in the info tab for the item. The default price will always appear in grey. If you change the price of the item at a specific location, it will become bolded. 3. Schedule By default, the schedule for every location will be set to the schedule selected in the info tab for the item. No schedule title will show up if the location is set to the default schedule. If you want to set a location to a different schedule, click on the blank space under schedule for that location and a drop down list will appear with your different schedules. Select a schedule. Locations that have a schedule exception will display the name of the varying schedule. 4. Show/Hide Item Previously to hide an item you had to type in the name of the location and then select "No" from a drop down box under a show column. This made it difficult for CSA's that had many locations and wanted to show an item at only a handful of their location. We have simplified this with a check box system. By default, the item will be displayed for every location. Checked box: Display item Unchecked box: Hide item Two buttons at the top allow you to select or deselect the box for every location at once. - Select every box to show the item at every location. Deselect the boxes for the few locations where you do not want to offer the item. - Deselect every box to hide the item from every location. Select the boxes for the few locations where you do want to offer the item. Location Exceptions for Store Items You can also hide a specific store item from a specific location with location exceptions. To hide an item, open the item card, click on location exceptions and uncheck the box for the locations you wish not to sell the item. Thank you to all our CSA's who gave us valuable feedback about how we could improve the location exceptions interface. The new location exceptions design is more intuitive and simpler to manage. We hope you enjoy it! If you are not viewing location exceptions in your item cards, email [email protected] and ask us to enable it in your system. Many CSA's have numerous pick up locations. Although we all want, and sometimes need to be in two places at once, it just isn't possible. Site hosts are members who help you distribute shares when you can't make it to all of your pick up locations. Assigning a member as a site host gives them access to the tools and resources they need to be prepared to help distribute shares. Today's TOW teaches you how to assign a member to be a host and the tools that will become available to them. How to Assign Hosts to a Pick Up Location To assign a current member as a host of a location, go to the routes module and click on the location you wish to add a host to. Click on the host tab of the edit location card. Then, begin typing the member's name in the "Find Member" field. To select the member hit enter/return. If you wish to allow subscribed members to view the site host's contact info at this location, under "Publish Host," click on the field where it says "No" and select "Yes" from the drop down menu. What published hosts will look like in a member's account: If you decide to publish hosts, members assigned to this location will now be able to view the site host contact information when they enter their account. Now, if they are going to be late for a pick up they can directly call the person in charge of the site. Helpful Tools for Hosts: Hosts will be granted access to two tools that will help them ensure proper share distribution at their pick up site. When a host logs into their account, they will now be able to view the reports tab. They can now view an easily printable PDF version of the Pick-up/Drop off Report and the Contact List Report. * If you would like to publish site host information, but not give them access to these reports, please let us know at [email protected] and we can remove site host access to reports. Pick-up/Drop off Report The Pick-up/Drop off Report is formatted as a check list that displays the member name and what they ordered. This report is great for worksites where shares are dropped off in a lunch room/office and members pick up their shares without supervision. Now, members can check off to confirm that they have received their shares so there is no confusion. Contact List Report The Contact List Report shows contact info for each member, including phone number and email. If the member has provided secondary contact information, it will be displayed as well. Empower your members to become site hosts by providing them with these helpful tools! Members can be assigned to multiple pick up locations. Also, there is no limit to the number of hosts at a single pick up location. Some CSA's require members to volunteer at least once a season to help with distribution. This is a good way to encourage members to meet each other and contribute to the success of your program. If you could use a helpful hand at your pick-up locations, ask members to become site hosts! How have site hosts helped you? What do you find are the benefits of assigning site hosts? Share your comments below. |